Every day ordinary people who have talents and skills, families who depend on them, and friends who love them are struggling to break free from addictions that are stopping them from being their best selves.

With the epidemic of addictions facing our communities the chances are you know of someone affected by substance abuse.

They could be a friend who has turned to drugs to dull the memories of childhood abuse; a parent using alcohol to cope with the stresses of raising a young family in tough economic times; a sibling drinking to numb the pain of living with an abusive partner; or a co-worker whose grief over the loss of a loved one has led them to abuse prescription drugs just to get through each work day. Perhaps even you have struggled to find a way out of an addiction.

Even without personal experience, the scale of the addictions problem in Manitoba and beyond means your community will be feeling its far-reaching and costly impacts. The health, social and economic of consequences of untreated addictions can be devastating. For example, substance-related hospitalizations in Manitoba are stubbornly high, related deaths have been on the rise, and the economic cost of substance abuse is estimated at $49 billion a year – that’s nearly $1300 for every Canadian.


It’s understandable that trying to deal with a problem this close to home and this large can feel overwhelming, but by supporting Tamarack you really can make a difference.

Our small but mighty treatment and recovery service has helped thousands of Manitobans break free from addictions, getting them back to work, back to their community, and back to their families and their true selves. We do this by providing a seamless program that walks alongside participants from their first enquiries about starting treatment all the way through to living in recovery.

Run on a not-for-profit basis, our services are delivered on a small scale – this means we can offer responsive, high-quality care that remains affordable to those seeking help. In fact, no-one is turned away from our treatment program because of a lack of funds.

To keep doing what we do best, we need your help. Financial support from people like you helps us bridge the gap between the funding we receive from various agencies and the actual cost of providing our unique and effective program. Your contribution, big or small, will make a difference to someone struggling to find a way out of addiction and back to life.

Your Donation Supports a Program that is:


Tamarack’s completion rates are nearly double that of the average for other long-term residential treatment programs and post-treatment sobriety rates of our participants far exceed industry standards. Our program is supportive, but structured with a focus on preparing participants for the realities of life after treatment. And it works. Read more about our program and its impact here.


Tamarack is the only treatment centre in Winnipeg that welcomes all genders. We also offer a range of Indigenous-led and culturally supportive programming to our staff and participants. Find out more about how we support our diverse community.


We have been offering addictions treatment services for nearly 50 years. In that time, we have developed strong relationships with many donors and partners who continue to show their confidence in the safety and quality of our services. Additionally, for eleven years and counting, 100% of participants say they would recommend our program to others. Find out more about our partners and supporters.


Tamarack is fully accredited by Imagine Canada, recognition that is a testament to our rigorous financial management and accountability to our board, funders, stakeholders, and community. We have also demonstrated our commitment to delivering the highest standards of care with accreditation from Accreditation Canada.

Did you know?

Government funding and other grants cover only part of the costs of the services we provide.

Delivering a comprehensive high-quality program that supports people from their first enquiry through to a lifetime in recovery requires significant financial support. Unfortunately, due to rising inflation and increased operational expenses we are facing challenges in meeting the costs of delivering our program. We don’t want to increase fees for those seeking our help or have to turn away anyone because they can’t afford to pay. That’s why we need your help. Your donation helps us to keep doing what we do in a way that is accessible to everyone who wants to break free from addiction.

Tamarack offers support to people seeking help even before they enter our treatment program.

Our pre-treatment program is offered free of charge and is our way of setting prospective participants up for success. We support individuals and their families in navigating the often-complicated range and requirements of addictions services and supports to help them access the services they need – whether at Tamarack or elsewhere. Pre-treatment is offered free of charge. Your support helps us ensure this vital part of our service is accessible to all.

We extend our recovery services to the families of participants.

A person’s struggle with addiction can affect those around them. That’s why we offer support to the family members of those seeking help. Our free of charge Pre-Treatment and Aftercare services offer opportunities to engage with family members and put them in touch with services and supports that meet their needs.

Tamarack program graduates receive lifetime recovery support.

Recovery is a journey that doesn’t end when treatment is complete; often, some of the biggest challenges lie in ‘life after treatment.’ That’s why our Forward in Recovery aftercare program offers our graduates free of charge services to ensure their recovery skills are retained and strengthened when they return to their family, community and employment. Your donation means we can keep offering this holistic and long-term help free of charge.

We build real-life recovery skills so program participants are ready to get back to work, their families and their community.

Being a small, all gender, community-based live-in program means that we are able to create a residential environment that models healthy family life and provides many opportunities for participants to develop new life skills and routines and connect with healthy supports. You can find out more about our structured program.

Our optional transitional housing, The Branch, offers a supported living environment that gives graduates the time and space to practice and get confident with the life and recovery skills developed in our Live-In program. Donations from people just like you help to ensure this structured end to end care remains accessible and affordable.

Can you provide even more support for our services?

If you’re a funder, foundation or other agency that supports community organisations making a real difference in your community, please visit our donors and supporters page to find out more about how you can help us increase our impact.

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