Please don’t let concerns about the costs of treatment stop you from contacting us.

Our first priority is always helping you to get the help you need.

The advice and guidance we provide when you contact us is offered free of charge, as are the services we deliver through our personalised Pre-Treatment program and our post-graduation Forward in Recovery program.

Our Live-In program and post-graduation transitional housing at The Branch do have fees attached to ensure we cover costs and are able to deliver the essential services required for successful recovery. However, over the years we have built an effective funding model that, together with the generous support of our donors, means no-one is turned away from our treatment program because of a lack of funds.

We know that conversations about finances can feel uncomfortable. Please be reassured that our staff will handle these sensitively and with an understanding that everyone’s financial circumstances are different. Our aim when discussing treatment costs with you is always to find a way forward that is affordable and fair.

Please note that the most any participant will ever be asked to pay for our Live-In program is $200 per day inclusive of taxes.


What’s included in our Live-In program fees:

  • all counselling, workshops and groups
  • all meals
  • accommodation in shared rooms with ensuite or private facilities
  • ongoing, unlimited, free of charge aftercare support following completion of the program

There are no hidden ‘extras’.

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Ready to talk to someone about getting the help you need?

Contact us. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.

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